“Formative Assessment and Feedback Methods for Engagement.” Solo Presentation at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2017.
“Engagement Roundtable.” Roundtable participant at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2017.
“Starting an Engagement Epidemic.” Roundtable presentation at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2016.
“Tools for Student Engagement: WIDU and Google Hangouts.” Presentation at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2015
“Life Hacks for Baker Instructors: Bb Clickable Rubrics, Multimedia Content, & Time Management.” Presentation to General and Developmental Education Faculty and Psychology and Business divisions. Baker College International Conference, May 2014. Slides and resources available at
“Hi-tech and lo-tech feedback in the writing classroom: Various approaches.” Co-Presenter with Dr. Julie Pal-Agrawal at the Fifth Annual Baker College Writing Conference, Flint, September 2013. Slides and resources available at
“Discussion boards, pushing content, and participation grading best practices.” Presentation to General Education and Developmental Education Faculty at the Baker College International Conference, June 2013. Slides and resources available at
“Using mind maps and Credo-Reference in ENG101/102.” Poster session at the Baker College International Conference, June 2012.
“Opening Roundtable: Learner-centered instruction in the writing curriculum at Baker,” Online Representative on the panel, Baker College Writing Conference, Auburn Hills, September 2011
“Using asynchronous audio in the writing classroom,” Poster Session, Baker College Writing Conference, Auburn Hills, September 2011. Poster visible at
“Critical thinking and assignment design.” Collaborative Presentation with Dr. Victoria Barnes, Baker College Writing Conference, Allen Park, Michigan, September 2010
“Play it again: Using asynchronous audio.” Illinois Online Conference (live session), February 2008
"The politics of seduction: Charlotte Temple." Presentation at ASECS, New Orleans, April 2001
"Science fiction/Social fact: 19th Century American women's utopian literature and 20th Century American women's Sci-Fi." Popular Culture/American Culture Association, New Orleans, April 19, 2000
"Edna Pontellier's artistic awakening: Female artists, Romanticism, and Realism." The Philological Association of Louisiana Conference, March 12, 1999
"'[D]e genewine artekil': Passing, cross-dressing and racial identity in William Wells Brown's Clotel." LSU's "Unmasking the Carnival: The Poetics and Politics of Identity" Conference, February 1998
"'Billy made no demur': Consent and dominance in Billy Budd." Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Southern Mississippi, October 1997
“Engagement Roundtable.” Roundtable participant at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2017.
“Starting an Engagement Epidemic.” Roundtable presentation at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2016.
“Tools for Student Engagement: WIDU and Google Hangouts.” Presentation at the Baker College Faculty Conference, June 2015
“Life Hacks for Baker Instructors: Bb Clickable Rubrics, Multimedia Content, & Time Management.” Presentation to General and Developmental Education Faculty and Psychology and Business divisions. Baker College International Conference, May 2014. Slides and resources available at
“Hi-tech and lo-tech feedback in the writing classroom: Various approaches.” Co-Presenter with Dr. Julie Pal-Agrawal at the Fifth Annual Baker College Writing Conference, Flint, September 2013. Slides and resources available at
“Discussion boards, pushing content, and participation grading best practices.” Presentation to General Education and Developmental Education Faculty at the Baker College International Conference, June 2013. Slides and resources available at
“Using mind maps and Credo-Reference in ENG101/102.” Poster session at the Baker College International Conference, June 2012.
“Opening Roundtable: Learner-centered instruction in the writing curriculum at Baker,” Online Representative on the panel, Baker College Writing Conference, Auburn Hills, September 2011
“Using asynchronous audio in the writing classroom,” Poster Session, Baker College Writing Conference, Auburn Hills, September 2011. Poster visible at
“Critical thinking and assignment design.” Collaborative Presentation with Dr. Victoria Barnes, Baker College Writing Conference, Allen Park, Michigan, September 2010
“Play it again: Using asynchronous audio.” Illinois Online Conference (live session), February 2008
"The politics of seduction: Charlotte Temple." Presentation at ASECS, New Orleans, April 2001
"Science fiction/Social fact: 19th Century American women's utopian literature and 20th Century American women's Sci-Fi." Popular Culture/American Culture Association, New Orleans, April 19, 2000
"Edna Pontellier's artistic awakening: Female artists, Romanticism, and Realism." The Philological Association of Louisiana Conference, March 12, 1999
"'[D]e genewine artekil': Passing, cross-dressing and racial identity in William Wells Brown's Clotel." LSU's "Unmasking the Carnival: The Poetics and Politics of Identity" Conference, February 1998
"'Billy made no demur': Consent and dominance in Billy Budd." Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Southern Mississippi, October 1997